Adult Choir

Advent Worship Choir is a good way to praise God and fill ourselves up for the work of being human in our world. We practice every other Wednesday from 7 - 8:30 at the church. We sing every other Sunday during our worship service. We welcome new members any time. We have a lot of fun, we learn, we sing and we laugh. Music is food for the soul and you are invited to come share this soul food any time. Talk to any choir member or to Marla Mulloy (403-617-6494) or just come to practice. There is a schedule on the bulletin board.

March/April/May Schedule

Practices: Wednesdays - March 1, 15, 29, April 12, 19, May 3, 17

Sunday Worship - March 5, 19, April 9, 23, May 7, 28


Our handbells have rung out in church a few times since they came to us. If you would like to participate in ringing once in a while, please let Marla know. Even better, if you are interested in leading a handbell choir here at Advent let us know!